Part 44: CH37: It's Over
CH37: It's Over

Turn back now.

I don't understand what His Highness sees in you! You will die here before you become any further burden to him!

This battle is foregone.

Remember how I always complain about every boss I fight being able to waltz through my attacks like a refreshing summer breeze, never flinching? So remember that skill tome we got from the boss at the end of the last update? Yeah. Shoe's on the other foot now. We can NEVER be staggered as long as we're touching the ground. By "we" I mean Jude and whoever is linked with him, so hope you weren't hoping for me to do something other than Milla linked with Jude.

You can steal a pretty decent weapon for Jude here. I consider equipping it, but it's wind-elemental and Wingul resists that. So later.

My resistances are so high that, depending on which skills are active, elemental Mystic Artes can heal me instead.

That's a revelation I have finally come to accept.

But I'm not finished with you! I must help His Highness achieve his vision!

...that he keeps you at his side.
If you were to die here, then Gaius' ideals will--

(Perhaps you finally know how I feel.)

Seriously, though, what's the plan?

Still, I think I heard his voice right at the end.

Regardless, it is not something that requires our attention at the moment.
We need to focus on how to extricate ourselves from our present predicament.

But I have to say, it's like fate keeps pulling us together.

Skit Video: Onward to the Final Battle

I shall sever the link between the Temporal Crossroads and the outside world. Leave those two to me.

Milla Side posted:
If you're playing as Milla you fight Muzet here instead.
: I'm going after Maxwell.
: Wait, stop!
: You shall face me, instead!

Gaius is pretty much the same as he was the last time we fought him, but we're much stronger.

So I've never actually picked up Beast before now for Jude, since it was on the outermost edge of the first lilium orb and I missed it. For those of you who don't know, it's a Tales staple that knocks people in front of you forward and down.

Gaius actually used his less than a second later.

Now the blue shield of bullshit is MINE asshole.

Gaius is feeling the burn.

Swallow Fury can be annoying except he can't knock me into the air anymore. Tough luck pal!

Milla Side posted:
: Urgh...
: Wait!
: She must've gone to Gaius.

So this is it. But there's more here than meets the eye, this fight can be incredibly hard if you don't know what you're doing.

Gaius and Muzet will link, because duh.

Muzet can revive Gaius, so focus on her first (most people will, since she has less hp).

So each party member is going to enter, then do their Mystic Arte. Including Elize, whose Mystic Arte I've never gotten around to showing (because it didn't want to trigger for whatever reason when I tried that time).

Gaius and Muzet have a few linked artes, here they do Twin Lance (similar to Milla and Jude's) on Leia, saving Muzet from my linked arte.

Elize's Mystic Arte is Scary-Go-Round.

Teepo fills with dark magic.

Then spirals around the target, forming a channeling circle.

Elize is the scariest little girl on the planet.

Pretty sure I showed you Rowen's before, but here it is.

So, Overdrive is one of two arte tomes we get from beating, well, this fight (did you notice a little hitch right before the fight started? EDITING IS HARD GUYS

Hell yeah.

Alvin's getting his Mystic Arte in too. Unfortunately I feel the need to swap him for Elize.

So Muzet can heal with those if you give her a chance, so we won't.

I'm not sure if he can use that, but let's not take any chances. Then I immediately switch back to linking with Jude, because it's just optimal once I've stolen everything.

Let's not forget we're not the only one with Mystic Artes. Too bad they don't have a team MA like we do.

I did this a few times to get some good footage of Tiger Blade Sigma, and the only time I ever got a game over was to having both Jude and Milla confused before Leia showed up.

Muzet's TP drain attack.

So here's a thing that can drive you up the walls if you don't know it's going down: Muzet heals when you attack her while she's blocking. It won't show up in green numbers, but it will happen. You can either use Alvin as your link partner to break her guard, or if you have the skill tome on Jude you can just attack her while she's attacking you or someone else.

Aaaaaand she has Opportune Moment like Rowen does, and will occasionally stop time when her backstep timing is right. Or something.

Better shot of them using Twin Lance.

Not content with ripping off Rowen's Opportune Moment, she's got Elize's Angel's Cry too.

Huh, never noticed that. I'm not sure that's a good trade, AI.

Oh right.

It's the same Mystic Arte as before, however I've seen it hit a party member that straight-up had enough resistance to absorb it a few times.

Here's their other linked Arte, Flight of Kings. It's triggered off Swallow Fury, and is essentially a bigger, dual-character version of the same.

Leia is not having a good time up there, even though most of it missed her.

Here it's giving me an even worse time. Jude auto-revived and Milla got a life bottle.

All that linking, life leeching, and Leia and Elize beating on him has got Gaius pretty low too.

And now it's just a giant dogpile.
